About Care and Share


The Care and Share Committee provides students in need with resources to help ensure they have the tools to create a successful educational experience, such as school supplies, warm clothing, food, coats and shoes. We are a PTA based organization, and provide all parents and students with complete confidentiality, dignity and respect.


Want to help or have a question about Care and Share?  Please contact Erin Anderson at hmptaadvocacy@gmail.com


To order your Operation Snowflake cards click HERE or Fill out form sent home with your child(ren). For extra copies in English and Spanish click HERE 



Operation Snowflake
During the holiday season, Operation Snowflake is an annual fundraiser for Care and Share where we craft and sell homemade cards and send to recipients (teachers, family members, friends, and neighbors) acknowledging that a donation has been made in their honor to support the mission of Care and Share.
2022 Operation Snowflake Cards
2021 Operation Snowflake Cards
2018 Operation Snowflake Card
Cards from 2016 & 2017

Questions? Contact hmptaadvocacy@gmail.com

To order your Operation Snowflake cards click HERE or Fill out form sent home with your child(ren). For extra copies in English and Spanish click HERE 

If you are interested supporting Care and Share by making a financial donation, please donate here. 
Image result for donate
Or purchase a cookbook from the Hollin Meadows Spirt Wear Shop and all proceeds go directly to Care and Share.


Hollin Meadows PTA, a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization (VA Congress of Parents and Teachers, 
Local PTA unit # 00014276, EIN # 541577452).
 Donations may be tax deductible.

Hollin Meadows Elementary School, 2310 Nordok Place, Alexandria, VA 22306 


 Holiday Toy Drive

The HMES PTA Care and Share Committee organizes an Angel Tree each year to help our families who could use some extra holiday cheer.  






Questions? Contact Erin Anderson at hmptaadvocacy@gmail.com.


HMES Spirit Wear Donations
Has your family outgrown your their spirit wear? The Care and Share Committee is now taking donations of gently used spirit wear clothing to give to our students who are unable to purchase spirit wear. Donations can be dropped off in the wooden donation bin located in the front entrance of the school.

Special Thanks...
The Hollin Meadows PTA Care and Share Committee receives support from these community organizations throughout the school year. 
  • Alfred Street Baptist Church
  • BRAWS (Bringing Resources to Aid Women's Shelters)
  • Deloitte
  • Del Ray Pizzeria
  • Emblemax
  • Hollin Hills Pool
  • Hollin Meadows Swim & Tennis Club
  • Mason Hill Citizens Association
  • Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church
  • Penn Daw Fire Station
  • Radiance Yoga
  • Wegman's, Alexandria



Why join the HMES PTA?

Successful students make successful schools - which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!


Community Partners

Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church









Donate Here

Contact Us

Have general questions about HMES PTA?  

