The Value in Membership
Study after study has shown that when parents get involved at school, children perform better. One of the easiest ways to get involved at Hollin Meadows ES is by joining our Parent Teacher Association.
Here are 10 reasons why you should join:
#1: Your child benefits.
When parents get connected to the school, children get better grades, do better on tests, and have fewer discipline problems. When you build a relationship with your child’s teachers, principal, and office staff, it is far easier to communicate about any issues, including successes, that occur throughout the year.
#2: You will be in the know.
PTA members know what’s happening with the school and who's who at the school.
#3: You’ll tap into a network.
PTA functions are opportunities to meet other parents and teachers, to build rapport and discuss issues that are on your mind. You can share ideas, concerns, and experiences to make the school year better for everyone.
#4: You can be part of the solution.
By getting involved at Hollin Meadows ES you can help make positive changes. Our PTA plays an important role by funding after school programs and clubs, providing access to high quality field trips, helping address food insecurity among our students, and generally engaging students and families in collective activities to strengthen our students' sense of self and sense of community.
#5: You can meet other parents.
The common bond we share is that we care about creating the best possible educational experience at Hollin Meadows ES for our kids. We are neighbors and peers and as a result, many friendships are forged via this connection.
#6: You become part of a larger community.
A portion of your dues go towards your membership to FCCPTA and VAPTA, as you are members of those Parent Teacher Associations when you join your local unit.
#7: You can have fun while doing good.
You will be hanging out with a great bunch of people whose common goal is to create the best school experience for our kids. Help plan fun events, socials and get-togethers that the whole family can attend.
#8: It’s flexible.
Not a lot of time? There are a variety of small ways parents can help and be involved. It only takes a little commitment to make a big difference.
#9: You can share your skills.
Every parent has a skill set that they can bring to the PTA and Hollin Meadows ES, whether it’s from your career, hobbies or just commitment of time. Your child will beam, knowing you’re helping out.
#10: You can show that you care.
By becoming a member of our PTA, you’ll be a role model and demonstrate to your child the importance you place on their education as well as on being involved in their world.
What does the HMES PTA do? … A lot!
- Through our Care & Share program, we provide families with much needed resources year round whether it be food, warm coats for the winter, or gifts for the holidays.
- We sponsor over 25 different afterschool clubs during the year – many exclusively run by HMES parent volunteers – with about 400 students participating in at least one club.
- All HM teachers are given $100 from the PTA to use toward classroom supplies or experiences, and PTA also sponsors breakfast and lunch for teachers and staff several times during the year.
- The PTA organizes 20+ community events throughout the year, including A Taste of Hollin Meadows PTA Meeting, Veteran’s Day Ceremony, Spelling Bee, STEM + Families Math Night, Movie Night, Year-end Dance, Yoga PTA meeting, Food Truck Nights, monthly book giveaways, Bingo Night, National PTA family Grant Nights, and many more!
Please join the PTA this year and help make Hollin Meadows ES an even greater place for kids! Click here to sign up:
Questions about joining the HMES PTA contact us at
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Why join the HMES PTA?
Successful students make successful schools - which make thriving communities. Everyone benefits when you support students!
Upcoming Events
- Monday, January 20
- Tuesday, January 28
- Wednesday, January 29
- Friday, February 7
- Monday, February 17
Community Partners
Mount Vernon Presbyterian Church